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Ginger (Zingiberaceae family)

Ginger aids digestion, reduces nausea, relieves muscle pain, boosts immunity, and exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties for overall wellness.

The Health Benefits of Ginger

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Ginger (Zingiberaceae family)

Ginger is a flowering plant of the Zingiberaceae family. Ginger has a long history of use as a traditional remedy. One popular way to consume it is in a tea made with fresh root. Drinking ginger tea may support digestion and reduce inflammation. Other health benefits include preventing nausea, soothing a cold, and more.


In recent years, Ginger has been identified as having anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, a growing body of research has shown that Ginger can help prevent and treat several illnesses, including neurological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes mellitus, nausea and emesis brought on by chemotherapy, and respiratory disorders (Mao et al., 2019).


Ginger tea can be consumed daily for maximum health benefits. It is recommended to drink 1-3 cups per day. So steep a nice cup of Ginger Tea and relax in the benefits that wellness in your cup can provide.

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